Hpmbcalc Hex Calculator. This programmable hex calculator has several utilities that make it easy to perform such big-number math and encryption operations as Hex/Dec/Oct/Bin conversions, Jacobi symbol inversion calculations, statistical data testing, and hash algorithms. Featuring support from Windows Vista and XP visual styles, this multiple-precision calculator comes with unlimited online help.
The Hpmbcalc has a standard hex calculator panel, hash/checksum/CRC calculation functions, number formatter, pseudo-random data/prime generator, randomicity/primality test tool, and bit shifter. These tools and functions allow for byte/operand swaps; unlimited length of operands; MD2, MD 4, MD5, SHA, and RIPEMD has algorithms; support of messages and files; ASCII text formatting; memory dump; decoding of text and hex-bytes; file and clipboard support; pseudo-random bit sequence generation; some statistical data testing; shift register configuration evaluation and simulation; shifting between Rotate, Arithmetic, Logical and Feedback functions, and more.
Furthermore, it features a built-in scripting host and automation support that allows for VBSript and Jscript support, multiple-precision operation methods, and more. Improved features for Hpmbcalc 4.21 include a multiple-precision math library.